V.R. Ganesh
President & Founder
years PMG Global has generated
close to $22 Million USD in revenues from this company.
With the whole world's focus moving onto security, PMG Global was no slow coach to pace up on this trend and come up with information security solutions. In 2005, Ganesh became cognizant of a contingence of data breaches; especially breaches from Orphaned Accounts accounts of terminated, or moved out Fed personnel, but with all the credentials active. After 9/11 when the on boarding of Feds increased in order to fortify security, the risk of data compromise also experienced a new hike due to single sign on features associated with those accounts. PMG Global married Oracle's Enterprise Role Management and got their employees trained in Identity Management(IM)to help these firms with the identity theft or information disclosure. PMG Global's IM is a three-fold operation which encompasses Identity Activation companies will do an extensive background check (criminal and credit),Identity Authentication or 'Step up Authentication',and Identity Access which includes Role Management. Roles and privileges will be defined for the new hire in keeping with the security policies of the organization.
Along side, Ganesh's take on Business Intelligence is also phenomenal. "We come in with a persevering approach where in we start with a requirement gathering
With the whole world's focus moving onto security, PMG Global was no slow coach to pace up on this trend and come up with information security solutions. In 2005, Ganesh became cognizant of a contingence of data breaches; especially breaches from Orphaned Accounts accounts of terminated, or moved out Fed personnel, but with all the credentials active. After 9/11 when the on boarding of Feds increased in order to fortify security, the risk of data compromise also experienced a new hike due to single sign on features associated with those accounts. PMG Global married Oracle's Enterprise Role Management and got their employees trained in Identity Management(IM)to help these firms with the identity theft or information disclosure. PMG Global's IM is a three-fold operation which encompasses Identity Activation companies will do an extensive background check (criminal and credit),Identity Authentication or 'Step up Authentication',and Identity Access which includes Role Management. Roles and privileges will be defined for the new hire in keeping with the security policies of the organization.
Along side, Ganesh's take on Business Intelligence is also phenomenal. "We come in with a persevering approach where in we start with a requirement gathering
exercise and then using ETL tools we go ahead and help them create their business reports based on the intelligent outcomes of data," explains Ganesh. A brilliant example is their work during the time of Hurricane Katrina. After this catastrophe, the EPA was in shackles of getting back a humungous amount of data that got lost in this calamity required to evaluate the amount of pollution and other environment aspects. PMG Global surfaced in to aid the situation and started with re architecting the complete application used by EPA, which was taking huge turn around time. "Thereafter, we're able to generate all the required reports using business objects. As a result, they were able to extract data in no time.
"Ganesh credits PMG Global's proprietary "Rapidigm" methodology based on agile software principles, and DevOps as the foundation of unmatched delivery of rapid, accurate, and cost effective solutions to his customers. "Conversely, with our Agile and DevOps principles, development can pivot readily to changing conditions and realities throughout each project's course," furthers Ganesh. With big accolades behind them and a vast column of experience to draw from, PMG Global's plans to change the face of technology are bound to leave a blueprint worth observing for tech upstarts across the globe.
"Ganesh credits PMG Global's proprietary "Rapidigm" methodology based on agile software principles, and DevOps as the foundation of unmatched delivery of rapid, accurate, and cost effective solutions to his customers. "Conversely, with our Agile and DevOps principles, development can pivot readily to changing conditions and realities throughout each project's course," furthers Ganesh. With big accolades behind them and a vast column of experience to draw from, PMG Global's plans to change the face of technology are bound to leave a blueprint worth observing for tech upstarts across the globe.